Quick online loans are a lifesaver for those who are having financial difficulties. This service is done online 100%, no need to meet. Fast disbursement, no collateral, no limit on amount. In order to meet the needs of the people, more and more fast loan applications are born. The article would like to share with you the top 10 simplest and easiest loan applications today. Follow the content of the article to get detailed information! ‍ WHAT IS FAST ONLINE LOANS?​ ‍ Borrowing money online (borrowing money through the app) is a form of loan without collateral, without collateral. It is a form of unsecured loan based on personal creditworthiness. The transactions are mainly done online. It can be through websites, online trading platforms or popular mobile applications. ADVANTAGES OF FAST ONLINE LOANS​ Some advantages of fast online loans are: CONVENIENCE This is the most prominent benefit of Loan Online. You can conveniently apply for a loan online anytime, anywhere. NO MEET, DIRECT CONTACT The online loan application appraisal process is completely digitized. That means you can borrow online without having to meet the tellers in person. This feature is very suitable to help you avoid crowded places during the pandemic. SIMPLE AND FAST PROCESS Loan applications are registered through a website or an online loan application, so the process is very simple and extremely fast. MINIMAL PROFILE You can apply for a loan online with only your ID card and household registration book. INSTANT REVIEW Online loan applications are assessed immediately to see if your application is approved. QUICK DISbursement​​​​​​​​ With the quick approval process, the disbursement speed also increased. Your loan will be disbursed the same day, or within the next few days. SOURCE OF MONEY 24/7​ After disbursement, the money is always ready for you to use whenever and wherever you want. CONDITIONS FOR INSTANT LOANS ONLINE 24/24H​ The conditions for you to borrow online at the financial institutions listed above are very simple, just meet the following basic requirements: DOCUMENTS Identity Card / Citizen Identification Card. AGE Borrow money online from 18 years of age or older is suitable for receiving loans. INCOME Have a job & receive a stable income from 2 million. ATM​ Have an ATM card in your name to receive disbursements to your account. GUIDELINES FOR FAST ONLINE LOANS If you want to get a quick loan online, you need to follow these steps: STEP 1: DOWNLOAD ONLINE LOAN APP​​ To get a loan in this online form, the first thing you need to do is download the app on your phone or visit the website of the lender. STEP 2: FULL PERSONAL INFORMATION FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON APP​ After you have downloaded the application, you must complete the instructions to open an online account and complete the necessary procedures to complete the application. STEP 3: WAIT FOR THE DOCUMENT ASSESSMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM After completing the application, based on the conditions the online borrower has, the lender will disburse you the amount that their system evaluates. This type of loan is processed very quickly and is done mainly online. STEP 4: USER PAYING DEPOSIT THROUGH THE APP BY SCHEDULE Moreover, the disbursement is also done through the bank account and all debt repayment appointments, payable amounts... are processed on the app or website. This is an extremely convenient feature of online loans that makes more and more people interested in this activity. HOW IS ONLINE LOAN INTEREST calculated? Borrowing money online does not need to prove income, so the interest rate will be higher than if you take out an unsecured loan or mortgage a property. However, with online loan units introduced, you will receive a 0% interest rate & fee for the first loan. Help you solve short-term financial difficulties without worrying too much about interest rates. From the following loans onwards, the loan interest rate is from 1.6%/month (19.2%/year) or more. The interest rate is transparent on the online loan estimating tool, expressed in the total amount you have to pay. Is it risky to get a quick online loan?​ Besides the advantages, fast online loans also have some risks. Here are the problems you may encounter when using this service. HIGH INTEREST The first thing customers care about when taking out a loan is the interest rate. Interest rates when borrowing at banks will be much lower than when you choose to borrow money online. EASY TO LOST PERSONAL INFORMATION Because of registering on the internet, if any lender does not have a good security method, it will be easy for hackers to steal information. 5 NOTES WHEN LOANING ONLINE DOESN'T LOST LOAN In order not to lose money unjustly when borrowing money online, you need to keep in mind the following 5 things: CHOOSE THE PRESTIGE AND RELIABLE LOAN APP Find as much information about the institution you're applying to as possible, searching the internet and radio broadcasts. Choose reputable credit institutions, do not borrow from advertising sites that do not specify business information, do not have a clear headquarters. CAREFULLY STUDY THE TERMS OF THE LOAN CONTRACT Carefully read the terms of the electronic loan contract before agreeing to a loan, pay attention to important issues such as loan amount, loan term, interest rate, overdue loan interest rate, late payment penalty, management costs, etc. fees, insurance costs, etc. If possible, ask a relative with expertise in accounting, finance, or banking to check the terms of the loan, especially the actual interest rate you have to pay. Loan interest rates must be within the limits prescribed by the Civil Code (no more than 20%/year). And especially, the app does not require customers to allow access to their contacts, access to their social network accounts... CAREFULLY STORAGE DOCUMENTS, TRANSACTION INFORMATION ONLY Record and store loan documents, transaction agreements to resolve in case of disputes. DO NOT LOANS ON THIS APP TO PAY OTHER APP​​​​​​​ When the debt is due, but there is not enough money to pay, absolutely do not follow the instructions of the lender by borrowing this app to pay that app. Asking for help from relatives, friends or the government will be better. REPORTING TO THE POLICE FOR SIGNS OF SCAM You need to quickly report to the nearest police or consumer protection agency to handle the following cases: Suspected fraud, fraud or when a dispute occurs. The amount to be paid is greater than the amount to be paid under the agreement. EXPERIENCE WHEN LOANING ONLINE THROUGH APP Browsing 95%​​​​​​​ For the convenience of high profile browsing. You should correctly declare the following: • Guaranteed declared income of over 5 million. • Many lenders require directory access. Advice, we should access contacts to build trust. • Provide reference, temporary address. Advice, you just fill it all in, all units that lend money through the App do not have an appraisal or reference call! • Documents only need ID card & bank card. Accept bad debt, pay attention. TOP 10 SIMPLE AND EASIEST APPLICATIONS TODAY Here are the Top 10 fastest online loan applications today, with detailed evaluation of the loan, interest rate as well as the loan process for each borrower. 1. MONEYCAT ONLINE LOANS – EASY LOAN FOR LOAN BELOW 10 MILLION MoneyCat is a unit specializing in consulting and providing online financial solutions from 500k to 10 million with safe, simple and reputable procedures. With an extremely simple procedure, just need your ID card and access here to borrow online 24/7 with many special incentives, MoneyCat is a good choice with a reputable loan service. Highlights of MoneyCat​ • Supported age: 21 – 60 years old • Loan term: 91 days • Do not call the reference phone • Automatic loan approval • Receive money after 15 minutes of registration • Preferential interest rate of 0% for the first loan • Easiest loan with just ID card. • 24/7 automatic loan approval. • Accept support for bad debt, attention debt 2. SENMO APP – LOAN ONLINE ONLINE FOR LOANS BELOW 15 MILLION​​​​​​​​ Senmo is a product of Gofingo with a financial technology platform that helps you access fast loans at home with online procedures. To apply for a quick online loan through Senmo, you need to access this link. With only 1 smartphone, sitting at home with your ID card, you can easily access loans from 500k - 15 million dong for up to 30 days. Although new, Senmo has quickly become a trusted address of many customers. Strengths of Senmo Online Loan App​ • Supported age: 20 – 59 years old • Loan term: 90 – 180 Days • Documents only need: ID card/CCCD • Receive money after 15 minutes of registration • Free interest for the first loan with a limit of up to VND 4 million within 10 days. • Technology platform for quick disbursement. Disadvantages of Senmo app There is a loan fee even though the interest is free. 3. 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